2020, what a year! As we found ourselves in a global pandemic, we couldn’t ignore the breakdowns that were amplified in our political systems, social, racial, and gender inequalities, economic crisis, human rights and environmental disasters, health fragility, and morality.
It is a challenging and dark time, but in the most difficult moments is where we discover our core truth and strength, where we build resilience, and where change gets seeded.
You, our BBA graduates, have faced hardships head on, but are most equipped to deal with all the uncertainties and navigate complexities to build better sustainable futures.
I am excited for the graduates of the BBA SDM Fall 2020 cohort. You are embarking on the next part of your journey in helping to shape a more just, equitable, empathetic, and sustainable world. The learning doesn’t stop. You will be building on the solid foundations of your undergraduate degree in Strategic Design and Management.
Remember to always choose meaning and joy. Have faith that living your authentic self and standing up for the issues and values you believe in can only impact positively any industry you will engage in, any community you interact with, any business you will build, and any career you pursue.
Times are tough right now, but you will look back in a decade on this moment and appreciate everything it has taught you and understand how it has shaped your journey being part of this iconic year.
Congratulations Parsons SDM BBA graduates of Fall 2020!
Please enjoy a selection of graduating seniors’ projects from the cohort of Fall 2020.
With appreciation,
Hala Abdel Malak
Director, Strategic Design and Management BBA