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B.O.N (Bet on The News)

Frame Meets Betting


Leyla Ersin

Sierra Warshawsky

Tasha Maria Salame


We are B.O.N., or Bet on the News. Our project is focused around combining Frame Media, a news publication, with online betting in order to appeal to a Gen Z audience. We are proposing the creation of an app where users are able to bet on one news-related topic a day, encouraging them to participate daily. Users are then able to see their ‘streak’ for when they win or lose bets that they are able to share via social media channels with their friends and that can be viewed in app. The platform will encourage people to remain up-to-know on current news and trends while making news fun, yet challenging in a gaming capacity.


The challenges with our proposal lie in the guidelines, where users need to legally be above the age of 18 in order to bet, which leaves out younger consumers. Furthermore, we struggled with the ethical side of the app, but at the end of our project, we were able to come up with ethical and informational guidelines.


To reach our outcomes, we interviewed people that fit into our customer profile along with in-depth research about betting, news and genz behavior.
Our conclusion was that by adding betting to news, given the fact that it triggers the reward system, engaging with news become rewarding and people read more and engage more with the current news.

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