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A computer science re-education campaign tackling the gender gap in tech in the 21st century



Ana Bombín Ordás

Key Words



The Gender Gap in Tech through the 21st century delves into the intricate landscape of computer science education, aiming to devise an innovative strategy capable of effecting the necessary change that current initiatives have thus far failed to achieve. Given the entrenched role of stereotypes in erecting barriers to entry into the field over many years, the primary objective is to dismantle these stigmas and societal misconceptions surrounding computer science, while highlighting its expansive creativity and versatility. To accomplish this, Computers++ serves as a social media campaign platform, designed to bridge the gap between the breadth of opportunities within the field and the participation of female students.


Despite the multitude of organizations, initiatives, and funding directed towards the issue since 2011, the growth in female participation remains disproportionately low. The persistent challenge lies in the enduring stigmas surrounding the field, dissuading students from considering it as a viable career option. Furthermore, the issue extends beyond mere workplace diversity in computer science and technical fields; it also hampers progress in crucial areas such as healthcare and artificial intelligence research and development, with significant ramifications for the female population.


Computers++ is a social media campaign that showcases the achievements of female computer scientists through short-form video content. With the enthusiastic participation of female computer scientists awaiting recognition for their contributions and a shift in their work environment dynamics, the campaign offers a platform to spotlight their inspiring projects and them as role models. By providing glimpses into these endeavors, the initiative aims to redefine the perception of computer science for thousands of high school girls. It encourages them to explore the field and the diverse array of opportunities available through schools, after-school clubs, organizations, and government initiatives.

MEET THE Designers:

Ana Bombín Ordás

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