Satiated Magazine, Bringing BTS To The Limelight
On Freelance Editorialists and Why We're All Starved For Community

Ayala Chocron
Key Words
Satiated Magazine sprouted from curiosity about the freelance social experience. How could an industry with an abundance of artists and so much opportunity for symbiotic inspiration be populated by so many lone wolves? How might we leverage these creatives into a vibrant community of freelance editorial collaboration and fulfillment? Months of research and attentive interviews exploring the business model of the creative “free worker,” led to one key insight: Industry working conditions and the job scarcity mindset must be combated in a community setting that starts with dinner and a conversation.
Upon interviewing two dozen stakeholders, a collective yearning for connection became evident. Diverse freelancers shared personal experiences of covert exploitation and isolation. As “healthy” competition serves as the backbone in stifling communication and reform against exploitative norms within the industry, I discovered a need for a third space to converse, collaborate, and change antiquated industry norms. Additional interviews with art-therapists and restauranteurs revealed an opportunity for collective fulfillment through art making and breaking social barriers through breaking bread.
Satiated Magazine is an experiential community by freelancers for freelance editorialists to meet and collaborate. The peer-to-peer platform is centered around immersive dinners. Events are styled, shot, and covered, by our team and guests, generating organic and circular editorials for web and print subscription. Suppers foster synergy, fellowship, and creative fulfillment amongst freelancers.

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